Friday, March 16, 2012

H.Con Resolution 107 - aka - Holding a sitting and future President accountable for bypassing Congresional approval to go to war - My letter to Jim McDermott of Washington State

I heard Rep. Walter Jones on the Alex Jones show this morning and figured I'd post my letter to Rep. McDermott who was the lone nay vote on the NDAA here in Washington state.   Unfortunately, McDermott managed to vote yea on H.R. 347 aka the Anti Protest bill signed into law unconstitutionally by Barack Obama last week. 

I've posted, blogged and pleaded with many people to urge their representatives to co-sponsor this resolution.  On top of leaving three voice mail messages at McDermott's office last week, here is the email I sent to him. 

"Representative McDermott -

When you return to Washington D.C. next week, I urge you to co-sponsor H. Con Resolution 107 introduced by Rep. Walter Jones last week.

There is a growing internet movement to ensure that our elected officials who do not uphold their oath to the Constitution accountable for their actions by ensuring they are not re-elected.  The media sources who will cover this concurrent resolution have spelled it out well to the American people across the nation that Panetta telling Sessions that the Congress no longer has authority to approve acts of war against nations also exposes the nation to the force of UN and NATO troops.

There is concern that if our current President is allowed to continue to look to international powers for direction on engagement in wars and then report back to Congress of his decision, this will set yet another dangerous precedent - not only neutering the Congress' previous checks on such acts by a sitting President  but also allowing future Presidents to engage in preemptive wars. 

Again, many of us also understand the danger in allowing these acts of treason by elected officials opens up the United States to acts of UN and NATO forces being brought onto sovereign soil to enforce such things as the NDAA and other unconstitutional laws Obama has signed into law.  I understand both Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell thought it a good idea - to have citizens indefinitely detained and voted yea however, they will find this was a poor move towards re-election as the citizens move towards exposing this.

Since you were the lonely voice in Washington state, casting a nay vote regarding NDAA I applaud you.  Yet you did in fact vote yea on H.R. 347 which restricts the rights of citizens to protest in very subjective terms.

I strongly urge you to get behind Representative Walter Jones by co-sponsoring H. Con Resolution 107 and show the citizens of both the state of Washington as well as those of the United States that you do not support unjust, undeclared war.

Thank you."

(my contact and personal information was included in the email form)