Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ron Paul kills (as usual) at the January 7, 2012 Republican Debate

I can barely watch these anymore but I've opted to watch the highlights found on both the Daily Paul and the Lew Rockwell blog.

That said, I am typing these comments as I watch the Paul highlights because so much gets convoluted when I actually start thinking about the minutia that inevitably ensues post spectacle. 

Here are my comments - for better or worse.

Stephanopoulos - starts in by "confusing" the word corrupt for corporate.  There is a difference (so long as the corporation isn't in bed with the government of course).  I feel these sorts of "slips" are quite intentional. I also think they're so transparent to a thinking person that the media needs to knock it off and hire people we know can actually read beyond a third grade level.  Stephanopoulos then adds corrupt back into his point.  Yes, they think we're that stupid.  

Next when Paul answers, the feedback on the microphone is back.  Not that I'm not a fan of a good conspiracy but is this the best they can do to throw Paul off point?  If so, it ain't working because he's right back on point after the accusation from Santorum that "they caught you not telling the truth Ron".   Not telling the truth?  Really Rick? Yes, you record does count - stand it up against Paul any day of the week and it'll fall like a house of cards.  Hell, Pennsylvania kicked you out.  

I agree with Paul - we should publicize how much money Santorum took from lobbyists to pass unconstitutional legislation and fund bailouts while lining his own pockets (his campaign pockets are now empty which is good news).  Santorum was not only criticized by CREW but sued by them for being conservative?  How did that case end up?  Ron Paul wasn't sued by CREW so I guess he's not a conservative.  By the way, how in the world does Santorum call Ron Paul "John" and then say "when you were a senator in Texas"?  Did he forget to take his meds?  I know, I know, I'm being petty but hey, this might be my last chance (election wise) to pick on Santorum. 

Did anyone notice that Romney still has that same Ken doll smile plastered all over his face no matter what is being discussed?  I digress. 

So Santorum defends himself as not being corrupt because he takes money from PACs.  I know  Ron Pauls PAC is run by Tom Woods - the Liberty PAC.  They have yet to be sued by CREW. 

Another thing that I thought was disgusting (yes, I said it) was Santorums statement that Ron Paul "should know better than to cite George Soros-like organizations".  "I'm not a Libertarian, I'm a Conservative".  Well, duh Rick - a Libertarian knows the value of a sound currency, limited government and staying out of foreign wars at almost any cost.  

Next five minutes of Santorum talking about his life (who the hell cares, we know he's a neocon regardless of who is grandfather hoped he would be!) which just loses me. 

Paul on voting, spending and earmarks - his same lines based on his voting record following his long held constitutional principals and doing what is right for his district at the state level.  Money taken by the Feds from the district MUST be earmarked to return to the district.  Santorum needs a lesson in the way that the corrupt government he's embarking on really works.   He IS a big government crony.  Period.  

Shameless side note: do you think anyone but Paul knows what a real (big L) Libertarian actually IS?

Santorum then goes on to take far too long defending why he's not corrupt - even having the nerve to brag about having had a "Spendometer".  My car has a speedometer but does this mean I always drive the speed limit (you can guess the answer to that one)?  

Santorum just gets worse and matters less so I'll end on that ridiculous comment.

I got off on a Santorum tangent. Here is for Paul - Perry in a word is slow. It's like watching George W. Bush being able to make speeches when he was the Texas Governor and then once elected slurring and letting Cheney run the show.

Paul to Perry about Paul being an insider: "Well I call it being a constitutionalist because I believe we should earmark or designate every penny". (Nailed it!). "You designate weapons systems. You designate to go and spend a billion dollars on an embassy in Iraq. That's an earmark too. I say that congress has more responsibility". Zing!

Paul: "But this thing back to, back to Senator Santorum. You know he ducks behind this he's for this budget balance amendment that voted five times to increase the national debt by trillions of dollars". This is what the whole tea party movement is about - quit!." " So what's your excuse for that? You didn't do very much to slow it up when you had the chance." Zing!

Paul is trying to stop the wars but at least he went when he was called.  Zing!
"I think people who don't serve when they could and they get three or four or even five deferments they have no right to send our kids off to war and not to even be against the wars I'm trying to stop the wars we have but at least I went....we have so many suicides" 8,500 dead, over 40,000 injured. "I have a pet peeve" Dr. Paul says in regards to candidates not having served, supporting more war and using the excuse that they thought one person wouldn't have made a difference. "My heart bleeds" says Dr. Paul about seeing veterans come home injured or dead and as a result of undeclared wars.

I do not claim to be a journalist but this was all I needed to see how hard hitting a message this is.  Even though Newt decided to spend his time defending himself (again) this time for deferments (saying he didn't have deferments but if his mouth is moving he's lying in my opinion). 

Santorum decided to interrupt Paul when asked why he won't run third party if he doesn't get the Rep. nomination.  I'm so proud of him for calling Rikky out on this.  Dr. Paul is always a gentleman even if he's telling these neocons what they are afraid to hear.  He deserves the same respect he gives to them and it's yet another example of how desperate and afraid the status-quo candidates are.  Low blows and cheap shots are their game and it proves they haven't learned from anything over the last sixty or so years. 

Ron, you did it again.  "Yes, the President is the Commander in Chief but he's not the King.  That's why we fought a revolution, not to have a king and decide when we go to war."

On the economy - "You can't solve any of these economic crises unless you understand economics."  He understands economics, he's read Mises, Rothbard, Hyak - all great Austrian economists.  One of his advisers is Peter Shiff.  It doesn't get much better than the two people who predicted the bust of the housing market - Paul and Shiff. 

I could go on and on but this is already too long for me.  To watch the highlights click here.

I clearly understand why the world is begging Americans to stand up to this fascist system that is going to implode violently or be dismantled in a peaceful, less painful way so that we can sustain as free humans able to meet our daily needs and have prosperity again. 

A quickie for Tom Woods

Okay - so you know I am an an anarchist.  I'll take a minimalist anti-interventionism stance until I can get to anarchy because, well you can't really go down the path of minarchy without reaching anarchy (I learned from Mises and Rothbard ya know). 

I thought I'd post my new favorite site: Tom Woods' Patriot Polls  (check it!!)

1. He's awesomely intelligent
2. He's running Paul's liberty PAC
3. He's got Adam Kockesh and Ian Cioffi, two of my favorite people!
4. His polls are often hilarious
5. He followed me on twitter? Now can I get Kockesh and Stefan Molyneux on board too?

Until this unemployed IT person (me) can figure out how to customize bloggers ugly links lists, you get quickies!

PLEASE go to and take the damn funny polls as well as those serious ones!

For Peace - Maureen